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Nepal i okolice widziane z kosmosu. Skrajne punkty – północny 30°27′N, południowy 26°22′N, zachodni 80°05′E, wschodni 88°12′E. Rozciągłość równoleżnikowa wynosi 885 km a południkowa 193 km. Nepal graniczy z następującymi państwami: Indie – 1690 km. Chiny – 1236 km.
Nepal's land cover is dominated by forests, which cover 39.09% of the country's total geographical area, followed by agriculture areas at 29.83%. The hill region constitutes the largest portion of Nepal, with significant cultivated lands and natural vegetation.
Całkowita długość granic Nepalu to 2926 km, z czego 42% stanowi granica z Chinami, a 58% z Indiami. Wzdłuż granic rozciągają się wysokie pasma górskie, skutecznie izolujące kraj od wpływów zewnętrznych. Himalaje izolują Nepal od Tybetu i Chin, a góry Mahabharat od Indii.
Nepal is located between China and India, between the Ganges plain from which it is lapped in the southern part and the plateau of Tibet and extends for about 900 kilometers in longitude and 200 in latitude.
Overview. Nepal’s geography is perhaps the most varied and dramatic of any nation in the world. From the lowlands of the south (about 150 feet above sea level), the terrain rises in a mere 100 miles to the dramatic heights of the world's highest mountain range, the Himalayas, including Mount Everest (Sagarmatha) at 29,028 feet, 10 other ...
This paper attempts to analyze challenges of geography education in Nepal. For this, data were collected from both the primary and secondary sources through interviews, group discussion and ield observation covering five schools and campuses offering geography.
Geographical Structure And Diversity. Nepal is located in South Asia between China in the north and India in the south, east, and west. While the total l and area is 147,181 sq. km including the water area of the country which is 3,830 sq. km.