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The VX-5R is the unquestioned leader in HT technology now and into the Millennium! Rugged Die-Cast Construction. The VX-5R is built into a rugged aluminum die-cast housing, augmented by an extensive gasketing system to resist moisture ingress.
Yaesu VX-5 VX-7 FTA-720 VXA-700 eliminator baterii + KALENDARZ DZIENNIK NIEDATOWANY PLANNER MIESIĘCZNY TYGODNIOWY PDF. Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym1 kg. Produkt: Yaesu VX-5 VX-7 FTA-720 VXA-700 eliminator baterii. porównaj 3 oferty.
Sprzedam Yaesu VX-5R którego jestem pierwszym właścicielem. 5W; 50MHz; 144MHz; 430MHz; Odbiornik 0,5MHz do 1GHz; AM/NFM/WFM; W komplecie radio, oryginalna ładowarka, dwie baterie jedna fabryczna, druga dokupiona kilka lat temu, oryginalna yaseu. Niestety z biegiem lat zagubiła się gumka osłaniająca złącza oraz ułamał się uchwyt do ...
The Yaesu VX-5R is a triple band (6M, 2M & 440 MHz) HT with extensive receive coverage, and leading-edge features. It receives the AM and FM broadcast bands, shortwave (AM) to 16 MHz, VHF and UHF TV audio, VHF Air and public service frequencies. The specific ranges covered are: 0.5-16, 47-729 and 800-999 (less cellular).
SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL. Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver. Frequency range: Europe. TX: 50-52 / 144-146 / 430-440 MHz. RX: 0.5-16 / 48-729 / 800-999 MHz. USA.
The VX-5R is a miniature triband FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency cover- age, providing leading-edge features for VHF and UHF two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring capability.
The VX-5R is Yaesu's toughest handie ever! OPTIONAL BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SENSOR (SU-1) UNIT. The optional SU-1 module provides both barometric pressure and altitude measuring capability, perfect for recreational use, for instance whilst hiking.