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Skontaktuj się z pomocą techniczną firmy Microsoft. Znajdź rozwiązania typowych problemów lub uzyskaj pomoc od agenta pomocy technicznej.
Sign in so we can get you the right help and support. We'll show you self-help options first. Additional help is available if you need it, including live chat with a Microsoft specialist. Contact Microsoft Support. Find solutions to common problems, or get help from a support agent.
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27 paź 2023 · You can talk to a Microsoft support agent by chat or phone on the "Contact Us" page. 1-Access the Microsoft contact us at this link.
7 sie 2024 · Here is Online web chat: Contact Microsoft Support. Type in your problems in the search box there. For instance, subscription/Tax invoices/refund, etc. Now click Get help, and Select Contact Support below. On the Category tab, choose Manage My Subscription or other alternatives. Go to Confirm.
Microsoft's Virtual Agent is a support chat bot designed to help with issues related to Windows and other products. If the Virtual Agent is unable to provide a solution, it will direct customers to the options for contacting support; it is also possible to ask for those options at any time.
4 lis 2022 · Learn how to contact Microsoft support by chat using a web browser or the built-in app in Windows 10. Follow the steps to start a chat with a support person or a virtual agent and get your query resolved.