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Another great new year is coming for Union Township Softball. In 2025 we are still striving for an enjoyable, exciting, and competitive softball experience where all games teach us about community, teamwork, goal-setting, and sportsmanship!
Another great new year is coming for Union Township Softball. In 2025 we are still striving for an enjoyable, exciting, and competitive softball experience where all games teach us about community, teamwork, goal-setting, and sportsmanship!
Columbus, OH 43212 (614) 294-4786. APPRENTICESHIP OFFICE ... Softball League; Retirees; Women's Committee; Safety Committee; RENEW Committee; Union Sportsman; Scholarships; ... Link to Members Union Assistance Program - . 2024 Dues 1/1/2024 - 6/30/2024 1 Quarter - $138.09
Columbus Recreation and Parks offers softball leagues in spring, summer and fall. Softball Tournaments are also offered throughout the softball season (March – November). For information on our different events, check out CRPD Softball Tournaments.
Also, we realize that there are several players with other commitments during the spring such as the school play and outside softball teams. We will work around your schedule as best as possible. Here is the current softball schedule: (coming soon) We look forward to a great season! Please direct any questions or concerns to :
Soccer, Baseball, & Softball registrations are now open for Fall 2023. Log in and register for your fall sport today!
5 maj 2024 · On Monday, Apr 29, 2024, the Hamilton Township Varsity Girls Softball team lost their game against Fairfield Union High School by a score of 0-14.