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Card check, also called majority sign-up, is a method for employees to organize into a labor union in which a majority of employees in a bargaining unit sign authorization forms, or "cards", stating they wish to be represented by the union.
28 sie 2023 · Unions have long advocated for card check recognition requirements via proposed legislation such as the Employee Free Choice Act and the PRO Act. These efforts have repeatedly failed.
26 wrz 2017 · Before 1947, the Wagner Act provided that the Board could certify unions by relying on a secret ballot election or "any other suitable method." One commonly used "other suitable method" was "card checks," a procedure in which union agents would obtain the signature of workers on cards authorizing the union to represent the employees.
30 wrz 2022 · In a card check election, the union would present authorization cards to the ALRB, along with a petition for non-labor peace election. The Board will investigate and review to determine whether the union should be certified.
27 sie 2023 · Abandoning 50 years of established law, in Cemex Construction Materials Pacific (372 NLRB No. 130), the NLRB created new rules that will impose two types of mandatory union recognition bypassing or overriding the results of secret-ballot employee voting in NLRB-conducted elections.
AB 2183, the UFW-sponsored bill that guts the secret ballot process for farmworkers, is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1, 2023. Ag employers should begin preparing now to ensure they are not targeted for unionization.
19 gru 2013 · Card Check allows unions to skip the time, expense — and potential risk of losing — that comes with secret ballot elections. Under Card Check, if union organizers can persuade more than 50% of workers at a facility to sign cards, they win.