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  1. › wiki › Uele_RiverUele River - Wikipedia

    The Uele, also known by the phonetically identical Uélé, Ouélé, or Welle River, [1][2] is a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Uele forms at Dungu, at the confluence of the Dungu and Kibali rivers, which both originate in the mountains near Lake Albert.

  2. Uele – rzeka w Demokratycznej Republice Konga. Powstaje z połączenia górskich potoków Nzoro i Kibali na północny zachód od Jeziora Alberta we wschodniej części kraju i płynie w kierunku zachodnim, gdzie po 1130 kilometrach osiąga granicę z Republiką Środkowoafrykańską i zlewa się tam z rzeką Mbomou , tworząc rzekę Ubangi .

  3. L’ Uele ou Wele ou Uélé ou Ouélé est une rivière de la république démocratique du Congo. C'est un affluent de l' Oubangui, qui alimente le fleuve Congo. Sur ses bords vivent les Zandés. La rivière de 1 150 kilomètres de long constitue en fait le cours supérieur de l' Oubangui 1.

  4. …of the Bomu (Mbomou) and Uele (Welle) rivers, and it then flows west for about 350 miles (560 km). It bends northeast of Bangui and flows a somewhat longer distance southwest. The total length of the Ubangi, with the Uele, is approximately 1,400 miles (2,250 km).

  5. › ecoregions › detailsFE

    The Uele Ecoregion is a river basin in the northeastern Congo basin, draining woodland savannas and mixed evergreen forests. It contains the Uele River and its affluents, the Bili, Uere, and Bomokandi Rivers, and hosts a diverse fish fauna with some endemic species.

  6. › wiki › UeleUele - Wikipedia

    Uele may refer to: Uele River, a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Uele (Yakutia), a river in Russia; Uélé Province, a former province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Bas-Uélé; Haut-Uélé; Uele District, former district in Congo Free State

  7. The Uele District, shown as the Uellé District on an 1897 map of the Congo Free State, was named after the Uele River. The river flows though the district and further west joins the Mbomou River (or Bomu River) to form the Ubangi River , which defined the northeastern border of the Belgian Congo. [ 1 ]

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