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Tuttle Twins is a crowdfunded animated Edutainment Show created by Daniel Harmon. The show is based on the book series of the same name created by Conner Boyack, who is also one of the show's executive producers. The first episode, "When Laws Give You Lemons" debuted on October 12th, 2021.
The Tuttle Twins is a libertarian children's book series published by the Libertas Institute and written by Libertas President Connor Boyack. The series was made into a television show that raised $4.6 million in crowdsourced funding.
20 lis 2021 · Tuttle Twins is a book/TV series that teaches children about economic freedom and personal responsibility. Learn about the characters, plot, features, and references of this pro-American entertainment for kids.
Race Lift: Mrs. Tuttle is a brown skinned Cuban-American, whereas in the books she was white. So Proud of You: Mr. Tuttle delivers one of these to the twins at the end of "Roll for Power."
Tuttle Twins: With Jonny Vance, William Lucas, Blake Brust, Natalie Madsen. Ethan and Emily Tuttle are taken on adventures through time by their Grandma to learn about liberty and freedom.
Tuttle Twins is a crowdfunded animated Edutainment Show created by Daniel Harmon. note . The show is based on the book series of the same name created by Conner Boyack, who is also one of the show's executive producers. The first episode, "When Laws Give You Lemons" debuted on October 12th, 2021.
27 lis 2022 · Tuttle Twins is a high quality book/TV series that tells children about concepts including economic freedom and personal responsibility, such as the law, by Connor Boyack. The books are illustrated by Elijah Stanfield .