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T4K® Phase 2 - Correcting Tooth Alignment Once the dental alignment improves, the harder T4K® Phase 2 (pink or red) is used. This is much stiffer (same principle as orthodontic archwire). As the teeth e into place, more force can be used to encourage their alignment.
The pre-orthodontic Trainer for Kids (T4K®) is a single-size, prefabricated dental appliance that incorporates both myofunctional and tooth positioning characteristics. The T4K® is designed for treatment in the mixed dentition, while the permanent teeth are erupting and the child is still growing.
Trainer T4K™ stosuje się do wstępnej korekcji przed ortodontycznej u dzieci z uzębieniem mieszanym. Noszenie trainera zapobiega dostawaniu się języka, warg i policzków pomiędzy łuki zębowe. Prawidłowo założony trainer poprawia pozycje szczęki i żuchwy.
T4k Teeth Trainer Philippines - Buy for best T4k Teeth Trainer at Lazada Philippines | Nationwide Shipping Discounts and Vouchers Effortless Shopping!
T4K or Pre-Orthodontic Trainer for Kids. When we went for her routine teeth cleaning at Comfydent Dental Clinic here in Bacolod City, her dentist, Dr. Dianne Margaret Lim-Militante, suggested that we let her use the Pre-Orthodontic Trainer for Kids. It is also known as the T4K.
The pre-orthodontic Trainer for Kids (T4K ®) is a single-size, prefabricated dental appliance that incorporates both myofunctional and tooth positioning characteristics. The T4K ® is designed for treatment in the mixed dentition, while the permanent teeth are erupting and the child is still growing.
Trainer T4K SOFT Leczenie wad zgryzu u dzieci w wieku 5-8 lat w fazie uzębienia mieszanego (Uniwersalny rozmiar) Stłoczenia i dyskrepancje szczękowe mogą powstać podczas wyrzynania się drugich zębów u rozwijających się dzieci. Nawyki: oddychanie ustami, ssanie kciuków i odwrotne połykanie