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Download the StaffTraveler app to get accurate, reliable seat availability for TAP Air Portugal flights. Flying on a stand-by ticket can be challenging. We have gathered invaluable insider information and tips to help you to get on board. Please note that this form is not intended to ask staff travel related questions.
StaffTraveler helps you to get the flight loads for your TAP Air Portugal staff travel flights. Fast, reliable and free! StaffTraveler has over 870,000 members from all airlines in the world, answering more than 40,000 non-rev load requests each day. Join them today and make your non-rev trips easy and stress-free! “The best app I ever had.”
Find out how to book, list, and travel with TAP Air Portugal as an airline employee or partner. Learn about the requirements, procedures, and restrictions for staff travel on TAP flights and code-shares.
Staff travel is a benefit for (retired) airline employees, travel industry employees, their family members or close friends (often called "buddy passes"). Staff travel tickets can be purchased at a fraction of the costs of a standard ticket, but are only granted if there are unsold seats available.
TAP wita na pokładzie! Tutaj można zapoznawać się z miejscami docelowymi i poznać ofertę najtańszych lotów, a także dowiedzieć się wszystkiego na temat odprawy, posiłków oraz korzyści płynących z Programu TAP Miles&Go.