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3 lis 2023 · The definition of a spinal reflex as well as their components, functions, pathways, and physiology will be described in this article and is a must-know for every student that is passionate about neurosciences. The clinical importance of spinal reflexes is also essential since the examination of them is an inevitable part of daily clinical practice.
- Corticospinal Pathway
Key facts about the corticonuclear and corticospinal tracts;...
- Corticospinal Pathway
A spinal reflex is an automatic and stereotyped response to a specific sensory stimulus that involves the spinal cord. It represents the simplest level of motor control and is built upon for more complex motor functions. You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic.
Learn about the definition, types and mechanisms of spinal reflexes, involuntary motor responses that are performed automatically and independent of brain signals. See diagrams and examples of stretch, withdrawal and crossed-extensor reflexes.
Spinal reflexes involve a local reflex arc that includes a stretch or touch receptor, an afferent peripheral nerve that relays information to the spinal cord gray matter, spinal cord interneurons that can stimulate or inhibit other neurons, an efferent motor neuron that exits the spinal cord, and a muscle.
Spinal reflexes are investigator-evoked artifacts arising from connections of stretch receptors in the muscle or nociceptors in the skin that activate a spinal motor neurons to evoke contractions/twitches in particular somatic muscles (e.g., the quadriceps muscle in a patellar tendon reflex).
18 sty 2023 · Reflexes are involuntary motor responses that are performed automatically and independent of brain signals (although some can be suppressed voluntarily, with extra effort).
Describe the following reflexes and name all components of each reflex arc: stretch reflex, (Golgi) tendon reflex, flexor (withdrawal) reflex, and crossed-extensor reflex. Reflexes can be spinal or cranial, depending on the nerves and central components that are involved.