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자동화기기 종합 메이커, 무선통신, 칠러, 밸브, 실린더, 진공기기, 이오나이저, 센서, 스마트팩토리, 공장자동화를 위한 SMC, SMC한국법인.
- 쒗뭹 移댄깉濡쒓렇
쒗뭹 移댄깉濡쒓렇 - 한국SMC(주)
- 좎긽???뺣낫
좎긽???뺣낫 - 한국SMC(주)
- 뚮쭏 쨌 ?낆쥌蹂??쒗뭹?뺣낫
뚮쭏 쨌 ?낆쥌蹂??쒗뭹?뺣낫 - 한국SMC(주)
- 뱀젙 媛쒕컻???뺣낫
뱀젙 媛쒕컻???뺣낫 - 한국SMC(주)
- 쒗뭹 蹂寃??뺣낫
쒗뭹 蹂寃??뺣낫 - 한국SMC(주)
- 앹궛 醫낅즺???뺣낫
앹궛 醫낅즺???뺣낫 - 한국SMC(주)
- 쒗뭹 ?좎젙 媛?대뱶
쒗뭹 ?좎젙 媛?대뱶 - 한국SMC(주)
- 댄뵆由ъ??댁뀡 ?숈쁺??/a
댄뵆由ъ??댁뀡 ?숈쁺??/a - 한국SMC(주)
- 쒗뭹 移댄깉濡쒓렇
자동화기기 종합 메이커, 무선통신, 칠러, 밸브, 실린더, 진공기기, 이오나이저, 센서, 스마트팩토리, 공장자동화를 위한 SMC, SMC한국법인.
SMC Korea uses KCW as the center of distribution to deliver products to customers, sales offices, and dealers and sales representatives nationwide. KCW is stocked with more than 40,000 items, and products and accessories are packaged and assembled there.
한국SMC(주)는 임직원 전용 웹사이트로, 유통점 계약 및 물품공급 계약자만 이용할 수 있습니다.
SMC Korea is a subsidiary of SMC, a global automation company, and provides products and services for industry customers in Korea. It has a head office in Seoul, a central warehouse in Daejeon, and 17 sales branches across the country.
SMC Korea (한국SMC) is a manufacturer and supplier of automatic control equipment and filtration equipment. It offers directional control valves, air and electric cylinders, rotary actuators, air grippers, vacuum equipment, pressure control equipment, fittings, tubing, process pumps, hydraulic equipment, sensors, industrial filters, etc.
In order to provide value-added technical services including product selection, system design, troubleshooting, urgent delivery, and education support, SMC Korea established a sales and supply network of 17 sales offices and more than 500 dealers and sales representatives.