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  1. A web tool for making star diagrams, also known as radar diagrams. Visualise character stats and more!

  2. Automatically calculate your stats by entering formulas with different values from your sheets via the # key. Send messages, sounds, images and dice rolls from a connected chat between the GM and his players. The chat tracks your game history and also allows you to send secret messages.

  3. GURPS uses two levels of statistic: four primary statistics (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Health) and four statistics derived directly from those Fatigue, which defaults to strength or health (depending on edition); Hit Points, which defaults to health or strength (depending on edition); Willpower, which defaults to intelligence; and ...

  4. Master crafting RPG character stats. Uncover common JRPG attributes, their impact on gameplay, and build a robust RPG stat system for your game's combat.

  5. Create RPG character sheets online for all your PCs with WorldAnvil. Manage stats & equipment and bring your characters to life with journals, pictures & more!

  6. Title says it all, I created a list of about 230 Attributes / Stat ideas. They're sorted both in ENGLISH and SPANISH, and I just made it in case you can't find the perfect name for your desired Stat or wanna check other possibilities. It helped me a lot! The Stats are sorted into: -Physical Resistance Stats. The amount of adverse conditions ...

  7. 24 cze 2017 · Stat Polygon v1.0 by mjshi- OK for use in all projects with credit Get it here! A fancy radar chart for your stats! Commissioned by the wonderful...

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