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Novel delivery systems for postoperative analgesia. Does a digital regional nerve block improve the accuracy of noninvasive hemoglobin monitoring? Possible augmentation of neuromuscular blockade by propofol during recovery from rocuronium. A comparison of three methods of hemoglobin monitoring in patients undergoing spine surgery.
28 paź 2014 · Miller's Anesthesia, 2-Volume Set, 8th Edition . From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller’s Anesthesia covers the full scope of contemporary anesthesia practice. Key Features: Address the unique needs of pediatric patients with guidance from an entire section on pediatric anesthesia
This synoptic review of Dr. Ronald Miller’s long and remarkable career and his contributions as Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesia & Analgesia only touches the surface of his impact on our specialty.
Dr. Miller's contributions as Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesia & Analgesia (1991-2006) have stimulated this salutation of his career and of his influence on transforming the Journal.
6 paź 2004 · From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, this masterwork covers the full scope of contemporary anaesthetic practice in just two volumes.
Anestezjologia od ponad 25 lat uznawany jest za najdokładniejsze i najbardziej wyczerpujące źródło wiedzy z zakresu współczesnej anestezjologii. Jednym z głównych atutów tej książki jest jej kompleksowość i niezwykle obszerna baza bibliograficzna oparta na aktualnych pozycjach piśmiennictwa.
Ronald D. Miller's 183 research works with 10,820 citations and 4,742 reads, including: Time Has Come for the Acute Care Anesthesiologist