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  1. Designed for homes and small businesses, the Skystream 3.7® converts wind into clean energy you can use. It’s the first compact, user-friendly, plug-and-play wind generatorwith controls and an inverter built-in—designed to provide quiet, clean electricity in very low winds.

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  2. 6 cze 2009 · Skystream 3.7 to turbina najnowszej generacji, która współpracuje z siecią elektroenergetyczną. Posiada wbudowany kontroler i inwerter, które przetwarzają energię produkowaną przez turbinę na energię elektryczną o parametrach sieci, do której jest podłączona.

  3. Skystream 3.7™ is a down-wind (wind hits the blades on the downwind side of the tower) direct drive (gearless or no transmission) permanent magnet wind generator. Skystream 3.7™ uses an innovative 12 ft. rotor and produces approximately 400 kWh per month in a 12 mph wind.

  4. The first small wind generator designed specifically for utility-connected residential use, Skystream 3.7™ from Southwest Windpower lets Americans harness wind energy and take control of their energy bills like never before.

  5. Skystream 3.7™. Wind Turbine Features. With a rated capacity of 2.4 kW, Skystream can provide anywhere from 40%-90%* of a household or small business's total energy needs. Its sleek, distinctive swept-wing blades and elegant form make Skystream an attractive addition to any home.

  6. 19 lip 2006 · A residential wind generator from Southwest Windpower, the Skystream 3.7, is a fully integrated wind generator designed specifically for the grid-connected residential market.

  7. Skystream 3.7 is a breakthrough in a new generation of RPAs (Residential Power Appliances) that will change the energy landscape of how homes and small businesses receive electricity.

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