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Pugnacious means wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully. Learn more about this formal adjective, its synonyms, and how to pronounce it.
- Pugnacious
PUGNACIOUS meaning: 1. wanting to start an argument or...
- Polski
PUGNACIOUS definicja: 1. wanting to start an argument or...
- Pugilist
PUGILIST definition: 1. a boxer or fighter: 2. a boxer or...
- Pug Nose
PUG NOSE definition: 1. a short, wide nose: 2. a short, wide...
- Puggle
PUGGLE definition: 1. a type of dog that is a cross (= a...
- Puissant in English
PUISSANT definition: 1. very strong, powerful, and...
- Puissance Meaning
PUISSANCE definition: 1. a competition in the sport of...
- Deutsch
PUGNACIOUS Bedeutung, Definition PUGNACIOUS: 1. wanting to...
- Pugnacious
PUGNACIOUS definicja: 1. wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully: 2…. Dowiedź się więcej.
pugnacious - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "pugnacious" po polsku? - wojowniczy, zadziorny, skory do walki.
Pugnacious means always ready to quarrel or start a fight. Learn the synonyms, pronunciation, word origin and usage of this formal adjective with examples from Collins and other sources.
Pugnacious means having a quarrelsome or combative nature, or taking pleasure in personal combat. Learn the etymology, synonyms, examples, and word history of pugnacious from the Latin verb pugnare (to fight).
pugnacious adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (belligerent, given to fighting) kłótliwy przym. przymiotnik: Określa jakość rzeczownika (np. czerwony) lub relację do rzeczownika (np. miejski); odpowiada na pytanie jaki? jaka? jakie?
pugnacious [pʌgˈneɪʃəs] PRZYM. form. zaczepny. pugnacious. kłótliwy. Przykłady jednojęzyczne (niezredagowane i niesprawdzone przez PONS) angielski. Pugnacious bravos fill the city, frequently dueling to display their skill. But then again, you don't need pugnacious reminders that you're tooling around in a fine automobile.