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Rate My Professors is a website where you can search for and rate your professors and schools. You can also join the RMP family, manage and edit your ratings, and sign up for alerts.
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- Pasadena City College
Pasadena City College (PCC) is a great community college. My...
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See what students are saying about Houston Community College...
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- University of Tampa
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Find ratings and reviews of over 10000 professors from various colleges and universities. Compare professors by quality, level of difficulty, and percentage of students who would take them again.
Find and rate professors and schools based on student feedback. Browse over 1.7 million professors and 19 million reviews on Rate My Professors. (RMP) is a website that allows anyone to rate and review professors and campuses of American, Canadian, and UK institutions. RMP has been criticized for its lack of authenticity, bias, and correlation with ease of class.
21 lis 2023 · Overall Rating: To sum up their interaction with a professor, students often provide an overall rating or score, typically on a scale of 1 to 10. Students assess a professor’s power to successfully impart course material, clarity in teaching, and teaching style.
19 maj 2023 · Find out how to rate your teachers and professors online with these six websites that collect student feedback and ratings. Compare schools, courses, and instructors based on various criteria and metrics.
4 kwi 2023 · Find out how to rate your professors and teachers online with these websites. Compare features, pros and cons of Uloop, Rate My Teachers, Rate My Professors and more.