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Privileged is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on The CW in the United States and City in Canada from September 9, 2008. The series stars JoAnna Garcia and is based on the 2008 Alloy Entertainment book How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls by Zoey Dean. [1]
Privileged tells the tale of 23-year-old Megan Smith (JoAnna Garcia Swisher), a Yale graduate who is fired from her New York job and sent to meet with Laurel Limoges (Anne Archer), a successful businesswoman in the field of cosmetics.
5 lut 2009 · We’re definitely down to just three couples on the show at this point: Megan and Will, Rose and Zach, and Sage and Luis. We’re not going to count Marco and Keith since they’re not...
Privileged: Created by Rina Mimoun. With JoAnna Garcia Swisher, Lucy Hale, Ashley Newbrough, Allan Louis. A Yale-educated journalism major reluctantly becomes a live-in tutor for two spoiled granddaughters of a Palm Beach cosmetics business magnate.
Megan Smith (Joanna Garcia), absolwentka dziennikarstwa na Uniwersytecie Yale, niespodziewanie zostaje korepetytorką dwóch rozpuszczonych wnuczek, Sage (Ashley Newbroug) i Rose (Lucy Hale), magnatki imperium kosmetycznego (Anne Archer) z Palm Beach. tytuł oryg. TOP seriale z roku... Seriale dostępne na... SERIAL ŚWIETNY !!!
24 lut 2009 · Privileged is a drama on the CW Network based on the book “How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls” by Zoey Dean. In Privileged, a Yale graduate who’s struggling to make it as a writer, Megan Smith,...
Megan Smith is an ambitious, determined, but neurotic and klutzy, 23-year-old Yale graduate who plans to become a famous journalist only to lose her job and have her New York City apartment burn down as another setback in her bad luck-prone life.