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Could iconic police motorcycle sidecars be taking their final rides? Whether your starting your motor unit, in-service training, or just playing around here are some cone patterns to download and put your motors through them. Please feel free to download them all. Happy training and be safe!!
There are cones on all reference points in this course. All radii are 9'6". The rider enters the gate and travels up the narrow channel making a number of 90° left turns. The rider then enters the center area, makes a 180° turn while avoiding the offset walls then proceeds out the exit gate.
This website was created to maintain a collection of motorcycle practice and competition cone patterns that are drawn to scale and easy to read. They are available to all that wish to use them.
Gearing up for a police motorcycle rodeo? Let Setcom give you the edge over the competition by providing in-depth course maps. Use the options below to select from the largest collection of police motorcycle rodeo course maps on the Web and be prepared to conquer the cone.
The goal of this police motorcycle training pattern is to get riders comfortable with emergency threshold braking, obstacle avoidance, and quick and aggressi...
This is a brand new cone pattern drill I designed for an upcoming Police Motorcycle Officer Training Course. I have designed it from scratch and I am calling...
This is a compilation of patterns that could be used for the individual course. All patterns will be based on a minimum 21 foot circle. Not all patterns will be used. The Four-Man team, Pair ride, and Slow Ride will use different patterns. <BACK TO COMPETITOR INFO>