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PA CORE STANDARDS (GRADES 6 - 12) Reading in History and Social Studies. INTRODUCTION. These standards describe what students in the social studies classroom should know and be able to do with the English language in reading, grade 6 through 12.
- State Academic Standards
Academic Standards Approved by the State Board of Education....
- State Academic Standards
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Academic Standards Approved by the State Board of Education. Pennsylvania Core Standards for Reading and Writing in Science and Technology, a supplement to the academic standards for Science and Technology, took effect upon their publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on March 1, 2014.
The Pennsylvania State Board of Education has adopted academic standards in 12 subject areas. The academic standards are benchmark measures that define what students should know and be able to do at specified grade levels beginning in grade 3. The standards are promulgated as state regulations.
standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts classrooms. Although the standards are not a curriculum or a prescribed series ofactivities, school entities will use them to develop a local school cuniculum that will meet local students' needs.
1 mar 2014 · Standard 2: Reading Informational Text enables students to read, understand, and respond to informational text. Standard 3: Reading Literature enables students to read, understand, and respond to works of literature.
These standards describe what students in the science classroom should know and be able to do with the English language in reading, grade 6 through 12. The standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just language arts