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Microsoft Office, MS Office, or simply Office, is an office suite and family of client software, server software, and services developed by Microsoft.
- OfficeSuite
OfficeSuite [3] is a proprietary cross-platform office suite...
- List of office suites
In computing, an office suite is a collection of...
- Comparison of office suites
Comparison of office suites - Wikipedia. The following...
- OfficeSuite
OfficeSuite [3] is a proprietary cross-platform office suite application developed by MobiSystems. [4] It has versions for Android , iOS and Microsoft Windows (PC) and adds extensive PDF abilities to its compatibility with the most frequently used Microsoft Office file formats.
Microsoft Office (w skrócie MSO) – pakiet aplikacji biurowych wyprodukowany przez firmę Microsoft. Wprowadzony na rynek 1 sierpnia 1989.
In computing, an office suite is a collection of productivity software usually containing at least a word processor, spreadsheet and a presentation program. There are many different brands and types of office suites.
LibreOffice – pakiet wolnego oprogramowania biurowego. NeoOffice – wersja pakietu biurowego dla systemu operacyjnego Mac OS X. GNOME Office – zestaw aplikacji biurowych dla środowiska GNOME. KOffice – zestaw aplikacji biurowych dla środowiska KDE. The Office – amerykański serial telewizyjny. Kategoria:
Microsoft Office 95. Microsoft Office 97. Microsoft Office 98 Macintosh Edition. Microsoft Office 2000. Microsoft Office 2001. Microsoft Office 2003. Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac. Microsoft Office 2007. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac.
Comparison of office suites - Wikipedia. The following tables compare general and technical information for a number of office suites: General information. Platforms listed are for when a local application is available that does not require network connectivity to function. Office Suite names that are on a light purple background are discontinued.