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  1. Religion in Norway is dominated by Lutheran Christianity, with 63.7% of the population belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway in 2022. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] The Catholic Church is the next largest Christian church at 3.1%. [ 3 ]

  2. Religia w Norwegii zdominowana jest przez luteranizm. Chociaż blisko 70% populacji należy do Kościoła Norweskiego, frekwencja w świątyniach wynosi tylko 10%. Członkami innych wspólnot religijnych jest około 10% ludności, a 20% ludności nie należy do żadnej wspólnoty religijnej.

  3. 25 kwi 2017 · Norway is a predominantly Christian country with 84.70% of the population belonging to various denominations of Christianity. However, the country also has a significant number of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and other religions, as well as 10.10% of the population who are unaffiliated with any faith.

  4. 19 mar 2024 · Najwięcej osób, bo aż 68% mieszkańców Norwegii (około 3 655 556 w 2020 roku) należy do Kościoła Norweskiego. W roku 2019 do Norweskiego kościoła należało aż 143 810 osób więcej. Kościół Norweski (z norweskiego Den norske kirke) to kościół protestancki tradycji ewangelicko-augsburskiej.

  5. Christianity is the largest religion in Norway and Norway has historically been called a Christian country. A majority of the population are members of the Church of Norway with 64.9% of the population officially belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway in 2021. [ 1 ]

  6. Until the modern era, the Church of Norway was not only a religious organisation but also one of the most important instruments of royal power and official authority, and an important part of the state administration, especially at the local and regional levels.

  7. I 2020 oppga 47 prosent av den norske voksne befolkningen at de tilhører en religion eller en trosretning. Det er et lavere tall enn den formelle medlemsandelen i organiserte trossamfunn, som samlet lå på rundt 76 prosent av befolkningen, ifølge tall fra SSB.

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