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The Hayden Planetarium is dedicated to public outreach on the latest in astrophysics research, science visualization, and community programs.
- Rose Center for Earth and Space
The Rose Center for Earth and Space encompasses the...
- Planetarium Show: Worlds Beyond Earth
Journey far beyond our own blue planet to marvel at the...
- Rose Center for Earth and Space
Hayden Planetarium, zlokalizowane w sercu Nowego Jorku, to miejsce, które przeniesie cię daleko poza granice naszej planety bez konieczności opuszczania Wielkiego Jabłka. To muzeum i planetarium oferuje niezwykłe doświadczenie edukacyjne, które pozwala odwiedzającym zgłębić tajemnice kosmosu.
No need to settle for just looking at the stars - this $210 million planetarium is a virtual joyride through the universe. Suggest edits to improve what we show.
The Hayden Planetarium, located in New York City’s bustling American Museum of Natural History, was founded in 1935 and is a cornerstone of astronomical study. With its immersive exhibits and breakthrough astronomical research, it continues to inspire awe and curiosity throughout generations, serving as a center for scientific discovery and ...
The Rose Center for Earth and Space encompasses the spectacular Hayden Sphere and exhibitions that explore the vast range of sizes in the cosmos, the 13-billion-year history of the universe, the nature of galaxies, stars, and planets, and the dynamic features of planet Earth.
The Hayden Planetarium (often called "The Hayden Sphere" or "The Great Sphere") has, since 2000, been one of the two main attractions within the Rose Center. It was established by the State of New York in 1933, some of the funding coming from philanthropist Charles Hayden. [7]
21 sty 2020 · Journey far beyond our own blue planet to marvel at the latest discoveries from our cosmic neighbors. Immersive visualizations of distant worlds. Groundbreaking space missions. Breathtaking scenes depicting the evolution of our solar system. Worlds Beyond Earth—Now Open at the American Museum of Natural History! - YouTube.