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  1. › wiki › Chu_ChemChu Chem - Wikipedia

    Director Albert Marre cast Yiddish theatre stars Menasha Skulnik and Molly Picon as Chu Chem and Rose, Marcia Rodd as Lotte, and James Shigeta as Prince Eagle. Other cast members included Yuki Shimoda , Robert Ito , Reiko Sato , Alvin Ing , Haruki Fujimoto , as well as choreographer Jack Cole who took on the role of Mongol Lord Hoo Hah.

  2. Picon then chose uncharacteristic stage roles: a nagging mother-in-law in Madame Moussez, The Rubiyat of Sophie Klein, and the lead in Chu Chem, which a critic called "The King and Oy," an absurd piece about a search for Jews in China.

  3. › wiki › Molly_PiconMolly Picon - Wikipedia

    On Broadway, she starred in the Jerry Herman musical Milk and Honey in 1961. In 1966, she dropped out of the disastrous Chu Chem during previews in Philadelphia; the show closed before it reached Broadway. Picon had a bit part in the 1948 film The Naked City as the woman running a news-stand and soda fountain towards the climax of the film.

  4. Zmarła w Lancaster w Pensylwanii w wieku 94 lat, cierpiąc na chorobę Alzheimera. Jej mężem był Jacob Kalich, z którym związana była od 1919 do 1975, kiedy zmarł na raka. Nie mieli dzieci. Jest pochowana w kwaterze aktorów Yiddish Theater na Mount Hebron Cemetery.

  5. In 1966 I was cast as the First Concubine, Cherry Stone, in THE BROADWAY SHOW THAT COULD NOT FAIL. Alternately it was called CHU CHEM and starred the King and Queen of Yiddish Theatre, Menasha Skulnick and Molly Picon, together on stage for the very first time!

  6. 5 kwi 1992 · Explore Molly Picon's biography, theatre & movie credits. learn all about their career on stage.

  7. Amerykańska aktorka charakterystyczna związana z teatrem żydowskim w USA. Pierwsze kontakty z kinem nawiązała w Polsce. Na krótko przed wybuchem wojny nakręciła nad Wisłą dwa filmy w języku jidysz - "Judeł gra na skrzypcach" [1936] i "Mateczka" [1938]. Najbardziej znaną jej rolą ekranową jest Yente w "Skrzypku na dachu" [1971].