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Metal Cutting: Relative Motion between workpiece & cutting edge of tool Cutting Tools: 1. Single Point tool. 2. Multiple Point tool. WHAT IS THE BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ? Examples of cutting processes. Figure: Basic principle of the turning operations. Figure: Two-dimensional cutting process, also called orthogonal cutting.
• Cutting tool is completely defined by rake angle (α) and clearance angle (θ) • Cutting tool is perfectly sharp and contacts the chip on its front or rake face. • The primary deformation takes...
The metal cutting is done more efficiently with generation of little heat. Noise radius: The nose radius will provide long life and also good surface finish with it sharp point on the nose. It has high stress and leaves in its path of cut. Longer nose radius will give raise to chatter.
The main aim of this paper is to focus on the study of effects of cutting tools on various materials while the parameters are kept constant and also by varying the parameters. A literature review was conducted to find the effects of different cutting tools on milling of different materials.
Cutting processes work by causing fracture of the material that is processed. Usually, the portion that is fractured away is in small sized pieces, called chips. Common cutting processes include sawing, shaping (or planing), broaching, drilling, grinding, turning and milling.
1 gru 2014 · The authors apply the smart tool holder to cut the low carbon steel S15C, and to determine its specific cutting force in fine turning. The resulting fine turning force model agrees very well...
Types of metal cutting processes The metal cutting process is mainly classified into two types. They are: Orthogonal cutting process (Two - dimensional cutting) - The cutting edge or face of the tool is 90 0 to the line of action or path of the tool or to the cutting velocity vector. This cutting