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Find the lyrics to the iconic song Part of Your World, sung by Jodi Benson as Ariel in Disney's The Little Mermaid. Learn about the meaning, history and trivia of this classic tune.
- Vanessa's Song
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. What a lovely little bride...
- Under the Sea
Lyrics to the song Under the Sea by Samuel E. Wright as...
- Part of Your World
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. What would I give to live...
- Kiss the Girl
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. There you see her Sitting...
- Daughters of Triton
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. Ah, we are the daughters of...
- Poor Unfortunate Souls
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. I admit that in the past...
- Fathoms Below
Lyrics from The Little Mermaid. I'll tell you a tale of the...
- The Little Mermaid
Lyrics to the songs featured on the original 1989 soundtrack...
- Vanessa's Song
26 kwi 2023 · Halle Bailey’s rendition of “Part of Your World” serves as the lead single from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, a live action remake of the 1989...
19 sty 2024 · Find the lyrics of the iconic song "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid, sung by Ariel, Sebastian and Ursula. Learn about the song's history, trivia and live action version.
#hallebailey #partofyourworld #thelittlemermaid #disney #lyrics #disneyprincess #thelittlemermaid2023 #partofyourworld2023
“Part of Your World,” from the 1989 Disney animated film The Little Mermaid, sees the titular character Ariel expressing her desire to learn about and explore the human world as she swims among...
Lyrics to the songs featured on the original 1989 soundtrack to Disney's The Little Mermaid.
26 kwi 2023 · “Part of Your World” Performed by Halle Bailey From Disney’s The Little Mermaid Disney’s The Little Mermaid is now streaming on Disney+ “The Little Mermaid” reimagines the beloved story of Ariel,...