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Use this liquid volume converter to convert instantly between barrels, cubic feet, gallons, liters, pints, tablespoons and other metric and imperial liquid volume units.
One US liquid quart is equal to 32 US fluid ounces, 0.946353 liters, or approximately 0.25 US gallons. A US dry quart is equivalent to 1/32 of a US bushel, or approximately 1.101 liters. The US dry quart is different from the US liquid quart which is slightly larger. The UK quart is equivalent to 1.136 liters or approximately 1.2 US liquid quarts.
US Quarts (Liquid) to Liters (qt to L) conversion calculator for Volume conversions with additional tables and formulas.
To make things easier, here is a conversion chart that lists the common units of measurement regarding liquid volume, along with their conversions. The table below provides an extensive range of metric conversion tables for liquid volume measurement.
17 sie 2022 · Convert various liquid measurements, whether cups, quarts, teaspoons, or fluid ounces. Also, easily switch from fluid ounces to milliliters or liters.
Quarts to Liters (qt to L) conversion calculator for Volume conversions with additional tables and formulas.
Volume Conversion Calculator to Convert Liquid Measurements. This volume converter will convert gallons (gal), liters (l), quarts (qt), milliliters (ml), pints (pt), cups (cup), and ounces (oz) to their most popular counterparts.