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  1. Level 4, also known as the “Abandoned Office”, is an expansive, empty structure, with architecture resembling a modern office building. Most areas of the level are entirely devoid of furniture and other accessories one would typically expect to find in an office, although darkened indents strewn...

  2. Level 4 is the 5th Level of the Backrooms. It is the level where Almond Water can be found most frequently. Description: Level 4 resembles an empty office building, though it is almost completely devoid of furniture. Some rooms on this level have windows, though most of them have been completely blacked out.

  3. Poziom 4 jest 5 poziomem Backrooms. Jest to poziom, na którym często można znaleźć Wodę Migdałową. Opis: Poziom 4 przypomina pusty budynek biurowy, pomimo braku jakichkolwiek mebli. Część pomieszczeń na tym poziomie posiada okna, aczkolwiek większość z nich jest kompletnie zaciemniona.

  4. Poziom 4.4 jest czwartym podpoziomem Poziomu 4. Jest to seria pomieszczeń biurowych i korytarzy, podobnych stylowo do Poziomu 4, choć pokoje są dużo mniejsze i zakrwawione. Opis: Poziom 4.4 przybiera formę opuszczonej, krwawej przestrzeni biurowej.

  5. › desolation:level-4Level 4 - The Backrooms

    Level 4 is an infinite empty office space, characterised by blue or gray floors and pristine white walls. The level is non-linear – within a room, space appears perfectly linear, though returning where one came from via doors or stairwells is impossible 1.

  6. Level 4 is the 5th level on Backrooms. Level 4, also known as the “Abandoned Office”, is an expansive, empty structure, with architecture resembling a modern office building. Most areas of the level are entirely devoid of furniture and other accessories one would typically expect to find in an...

  7. Level 4 is an abandoned office building with little trace of people. It is a safe Level with no Entities and Sanity will not drop in this Level, making it a good place to stay at. There's also Lightning that will strike outside in this Level, even though there is no outside.

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