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Legio X Gemina was a Roman legion that fought in the Gallic Wars, the civil wars, and the imperial campaigns. It was founded by Julius Caesar, reconstituted by Augustus, and stationed in various provinces until the 5th century.
Legion X Gemina (Equites) pojawił się na kartach historii około 61 roku p.n.e. Jednostka ta zapewne została sformowana w czasie pacyfikacji powstania Galów.
Legio X Equestris was a Roman legion that fought in the Gallic Wars, Caesar's Civil War, and Antony's Parthian War. It was known for its nickname Equestris, meaning "mounted", and its emblem of a bull.
Jest to wypadkowa niezwykłej charyzmy założyciela grupy, a także historii legionu, której obszerne fragmenty, opracowane przez rekonstruktorów, przytacza „Strefa Historii”. Dzieje legionu X ze wszystkimi jego transformacjami, to niemal pięć wieków wpisanych w schyłek republiki rzymskiej i cały okres cesarstwa.
Legio X Fretensis was a Roman legion founded by Octavian in 41/40 BC and active until the 410s. It fought in several wars and campaigns, including the civil wars, the Parthian wars, and the First Jewish-Roman War.
The X Legion, together with other 150,000 soldiers and warriors, fought in a ruthless battle, in which Albin’s left-wing fell to the Danube legions, while the right-wing crushed the trapped legions of Severus, who had to save himself by escaping.
Legio X was famous in its day [1] and throughout history, because of its portrayal in Caesar's Commentaries and the prominent role the Tenth played in his Gallic campaigns. [2] Its soldiers were discharged in 45 BC.