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9 lis 2012 · Find the lyrics of "Kiss You", a fast-tempo love ballad by One Direction from their album Take Me Home. See the songwriters, producers, certifications, and music video details.
- Who Wrote “Kiss You” by One Direction
“Kiss You” by One Direction was written by Albin Nedler,...
- When Did One Direction Release “Kiss You
One Direction released “Kiss You” on November 9, 2012....
- Who Produced “Kiss You” by One Direction
“Kiss You” by One Direction was produced by Carl Falk &...
- Kiss You Covers
See all of “Kiss You” by One Direction’s covers. The...
- View Kiss You Samples
One Direction - Kiss You (Traducción al español) Genius...
- Sharoque Remix
Kiss You (Sharoque Remix) Lyrics: Oh, I just wanna take you...
- Parody
Kiss You Parody Lyrics: Oh I'm just gonna pretend that I'm...
- 1D Fans
Get all the lyrics to songs by 1D Fans and join the Genius...
- Who Wrote “Kiss You” by One Direction
One Direction - Kiss You - tekst piosenki, tłumaczenie piosenki i teledysk. Zobacz słowa utworu Kiss You wraz z teledyskiem i tłumaczeniem.
19 gru 2012 · One Direction - Kiss You (Official Lyric Video)Follow on Spotify - on Apple Music - on Ama...
Yeah so tell me girl if everytime we... Take me home! One Direction – Kiss You tekst piosenki. Kiss You to trzeci singiel promujący album „Take Me Home" brytyjsko-irlandzkiego boysbandu.…
Sprawdź o czym jest tekst piosenki Kiss You nagranej przez One Direction. Na znajdziesz najdokładniejsze tekstowo tłumaczenia piosenek w polskim Internecie. Wyróżniamy się unikalnymi interpretacjami tekstów, które pozwolą Ci na dokładne zrozumienie przekazu Twoich ulubionych piosenek.
One Direction "Kiss You": Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you'd like We could go out any day, any night Baby I'll take...
8 lut 2013 · Welcome to the official One Direction website. Visit for the archived journal posts, past events, band photos, as well as all their music, singles and albums.