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  1. The Jill Stuart makeup collection goes beyond makeup with beauty tokens you’ll love to flaunt from lipstick to jewel-tone eye shades. Get your most opulent look when you shop online at Sephora.

  2. 注入雙重有效成分抗皺x美白x膠原蛋白滋養撫平歲月痕跡的美頸精華護手霜。 雙重潔淨,注入豐盈水潤,締造如重獲新生般飽滿、柔軟富光澤肌膚的基本護理優惠限量套裝。 三重防禦因乾燥導致脫妝的三大煩惱,告別粗糙、卡粉、毛孔粗大。 為肌膚鎖緊水潤光澤肌的保水妝前底霜。 一塗遮蓋毛孔及膚色不均,如素肌般透明感妝效 。 套裝包括素肌遮瑕持妝粉底及附送保濕潔顏油。 新升級藥用雪肌精美白面霜,配合具雙重效能的甘草萃取有效成分,締造盈潤透亮、純淨無瑕的飽滿彈滑素肌。 敏感肌都能安心使用的無添加&低刺激配方BB精華霜,締造洋溢自然透亮的透氣裸妝 。 絕對定妝宣言! 一噴定妝,妝容即變得防水持久不易脫妝! 微酸雜莓果香&怡人紅茶香氣限量版期間限定發售。

  3. (代購)日本Jill Stuart Bloom Mix Highlight Compact 高光調色盤 2024限定 [101 petal prism]

  4. JILL STUART Beauty Official Site. Innocent Sexy - Jill has created a crowned jewel for every princess, innocent, sexy, elegant, fun and savvy. Experience the luxurious excitement every time and reach for the stars!

  5. JILL STUART Crystal Bloom Eternal Dazzle eau de parfum就此誕生。 宛如多采多姿的花兒在落日的光華下綻放, 世上最閃爍、璀璨的華麗香氣。

  6. The Jill Stuart makeup collection goes beyond makeup with beauty tokens you’ll love to flaunt from lipstick to jewel-tone eye shades. Get your most opulent look when you shop online at Sephora.

  7. Buy Brilliant Jewel Face & Body Powder (Limited Edition) from Jill Stuart here. Limited-edition face and body powder with a delicate shimmer of five colors and a brilliant jewel fragrance that leads to soft, high-quality skin.

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