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Irawadi (birm. ဧရာဝတီမြစ်, wym. [ʔ è j à w ə d ì m j ɪ ʔ], ang. Irrawaddy) – rzeka na terenie Chin i Mjanmy (najdłuższa rzeka tego kraju) o dł. 2150 km i powierzchni dorzecza wynoszącej 430 tys. km². Wypływa z południowo-wschodniej części Wyżyny Tybetańskiej w Chinach.
The Irrawaddy River (Burmese: ဧရာဝတီမြစ်, pronounced [ʔèjàwədì mjɪʔ], official romanisation: Ayeyarwady [5] [note 1]) is the largest river in Myanmar. Originating from the confluence of the N'mai and Mali rivers, [ 7 ] it flows from north to south before emptying through the Irrawaddy Delta in the Ayeyarwady Region ...
Irrawaddy River, principal river of Myanmar (formerly Burma), running through the centre of the country. Myanmar’s most important commercial waterway, it is about 1,350 miles (2,170 km) long. Its name is believed to derive from the Sanskrit term airāvatī, meaning “elephant river.”
Delta Irawadi – delta rzeki Irawadi leżąca w Mjanmie, na terenie prowincji Irawadi. Jest to najniżej położony teren Mjanmy, zajmujący obszar od górnej granicy oddziaływania pływów na wysokości Myan Aung do Zatoki Bengalskiej i Morza Andamańskiego 290 km na południe, u ujścia rzeki Irawadi.
Myanmar’s River of Spirits. In a country filled with strife, the Irrawaddy is a source of hope for the Burmese people. It is where they wash, drink, travel, and pray. By Kira Salak.
The Irrawaddy River flows from the very north of Myanmar, close to Putao, to the Irrawaddy Delta area in the south which is close to Yangon. It bisects Myanmar from north to south, rising among Himalayan glaciers and flowing freely for 1,348 miles (2169 meters) across a wide alluvial plain into the Indian Ocean.
12 lut 2019 · Flowing north to south through Myanmar, Irrawaddy River (formerly known as Ayeyarwady) is the longest river and the most important commercial waterway in the country that through many centuries has become the pride of Burmese people.