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This course is an introduction to the science of human nutrition. We will be investigating the basics: what nutrients our bodies need, how we get those nutrients from our food and how our bodies use those nutrients. We will also discuss how you can make nutrition work for YOU. You will learn how foods
Introduces students to nutrition as a scientific discipline, providing a working knowledge of basic nutrition including the sources and functions of the nutrients, the components of a healthy diet, and the relationship between diet and overall health.
Outline the functions of proteins and discuss the effects of deficiency and excess intake. Evaluate the nutritional role and deficiency symptoms for each vitamin. Assess the importance of water and minerals to the human body. Evaluate the nutrient needs of adults and older adults.
After completing this introductory nutrition course, you will be able to: Interpret what the scientific facts tell us about nutrition and health; Discuss reasons for why we eat what we eat; Describe the nutrition standards and guidelines set forth by the U.S. government;
This course is an introduction to the science of nutrition. Major principles, functions and sources of nutrients are discussed, as well as their relationship to health and disease.
This course is a survey of current nutrition science principles, with emphasis on the development of skills to discern nutrition fact from fiction using scientific method and how to apply nutri-
This course introduces general concepts and practical applications of nutrition. It covers nutrients and nutritional processes like functions, food sources, digestion, absorption and metabolism. Food safety, availability, nutrition information on labels and nationally established guidelines are addressed.