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  1. Pozwala w bardzo prosty sposób blokować pornografię, erotykę, przemoc i wulgaryzmy w każdym punkcie sieci Internet (ISP, sieci firmowe). Gdyby zostało powszechnie przyjęte, umożliwiłoby opiekunom zupełne odfiltrowanie tych treści z Internetu, bez ich cenzurowania, nie ingerując w wolność wypowiedzi.

  2. Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) was an international non-profit organization with offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. In October 2010, the ICRA rating system, and the organization, was discontinued.

  3. ICRA® does not rate Internet content or make value judgements about sites. The content providers self-label and then parents and other adults make a value judgment as to what is or is not appropriate content. The labeling was done using a web-based questionnaire.

  4. The ESRB Rating Guide and all search results on refer to games rated through our traditional rating process. However, ESRB also assigns ratings to non-game apps on certain mobile and digital storefronts that have licensed the IARC rating system.

  5. A content rating (also known as maturity rating) [1][2] rates the suitability of TV shows, movies, comic books, or video games to this primary targeted audience. [3][4][5] A content rating usually places a media source into one of a number of different categories, to show which age group is suitable to view media and entertainment.

  6. 9 sty 2007 · Internet ratings systems, such as those provided by Nielsen//NetRatings or comScore Media Metrix, measure and rank the popularity of different websites and are used extensively in setting online advertising rates. The three typical online metrics are unique visitors, page views, and reach.

  7. The SafeSurf Rating Standard is a voluntary rating system designed to protect children, as well as the first amendment rights of their parents. It was developed with input from thousands of parents and Net citizens, worldwide.

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