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Find the office nearest you and click/tap the green or blue map pin to either book your appointment online (at an ICBC driver licensing office or Service BC Centre) or to find the contact information for the nearest driver licensing agent.
Book a knowledge test or other driver licensing appointment. Find out how to book an appointment for a knowledge test, to renew or replace your licence or ID, and other in-person services.
Book an appointment to renew your licence at an ICBC driver licensing office up to six months (180 days) before your licence expires. Renewing early won't shorten its validity. Bring two pieces of accepted ID. Pay the fee for your new licence. Find out if your card is in the mail while you wait
4 dni temu · Find out the ID you need to bring, fees, our translation service and how to book appointments for ICBC driver licensing services. Get information about B.C.'s graduated licensing program. Learn how to get your L, your N, and your full-privilege driver's licence. Find out how to apply, activate, renew, replace or update your licence or ID.
You can book, reschedule or cancel your Class 5, 6, 7, 8 road test appointment or Motorcycle Skills test online. If you are driving on a non-B.C. licence and have passed your knowledge test, contact our driver licensing information line to book your road test.
Book an appointment at a driver licensing office. Bring accepted ID. Pay the fee for your BCID. BC Services Card. Learn more about getting a BC Services card as an alternative to a BCID.
If you are unable to book an appointment, can't complete your task or find the information you need online, or have questions about licences and IDs, road tests or knowledge tests, try calling us. Please note that our online booking tools feature the latest booking information.