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  1. Dharma (skt. धर्म; pali Dhamma धम्म; chiń. 法, pinyin fǎ; kor. pŏp 법, talma; jap. 法 hō lub ダルマ daruma; wiet. pháp, đạt-ma; tyb. ལྷ་ཆོས།, Wylie lha chos) – wieloznaczny termin występujący w religiach dharmicznych, np. w buddyzmie i hinduizmie.

  2. › wiki › DharmaDharma - Wikipedia

    In Hinduism, dharma denotes behaviours that are considered to be in accord with Ṛta —the "order and custom" that makes life and universe possible. [note 1] This includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and "right way of living". Dharma is believed to have a transtemporal validity, and is one of the Puruṣārtha.

  3. 21 paź 2024 · In Buddhism, dharma is the doctrine, the universal truth common to all individuals at all times, proclaimed by the Buddha. Dharma, the Buddha, and the sangha (community of believers) make up the Triratna, “Three Jewels,” to which Buddhists go for refuge.

  4. 25 cze 2019 · Hinduism describes dharma as the natural universal laws whose observance enables humans to be contented and happy and to save himself from degradation and suffering. Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline that guides one's life. Hindus consider dharma the very foundation of life.

  5. › wiki › HinduismHinduism - Wikipedia

    In India, the term (Hindu) dharma is used, which is broader than the Western term "religion," and refers to the religious attitudes and behaviours, the 'right way to live', as preserved and transmitted in the various traditions collectively referred to as "Hinduism."

  6. Dharma is the duties a Hindu should follow in their life. There are various types of dharma for a Hindu. Some are personal duties and some are eternal duties, meaning that they...

  7. Dharma has its origin found in the Vedic intuition called ŗta. From this moral order or force dharma has permeated into every form and facet of human life. Rta conceptualizes the vision of the Vedic seers of inexorable, unswerving and pervasive natural and moral order prevailing in the reality.

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