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Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation.
- Results
Field Day Results. Click on a year in the lists below to...
- T-Shirts & Gear
Morse Code Operating for Amateur Radio. List Price: $12.95....
- Having Trouble
Josh Johnston, KE5MHV Director of Emergency Management Email...
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Join ARRL's 145,000 members and build your ham radio...
- Field Day Rules
The message must be transmitted during the Field Day period...
- Field Day Locator
Welcome to the Field Day site locator page. Field Day is...
- Rules
Stations in ARRL / RAC sections will exchange their Field...
- Field Day Frequently Asked Questions
My group wants to start setting up in the field before the...
- Results
14 mar 2024 · The message must be transmitted during the Field Day period and a copy of it must be included in your submission in either standard NTS or ICS-213 format (or have the equivalent content) or no credit will be given. The message must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF.
Receive the station’s message — Field Day has its own requirements for the exchange between stations. The required exchange is your station’s operating class, such as “25A” or “1B” and your section or province such as “STX” on CW or “South Texas” on SSB.
The club’s Field Day activity is publicized in the local media to alert the general public to the event and its location. Club members conduct informal tours of the operating stations and answer questions regarding the Field Day operation and ham radio for non-ham visitors.
Stations in ARRL / RAC sections will exchange their Field Day operating Class and ARRL / RAC section. Example: a three transmitter Class A station in Connecticut which also has a GOTA station and the extra
The FD exchange has two parts, first is your station class, second is your ARRL/RAC section. Your station class is based on the quantity of simultaneous transmitters used and your power source.
My group wants to start setting up in the field before the official start time on Friday. We don’t want to have to rush in the heat. What do we do? A. The rules allows groups to start setting up at 0000 UTC on Friday (which is Thursday local time: 8:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM CDT, 6:00 PM MDT, 5:00 PDT).