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  1. Learn about Mercury, the smallest and fastest planet in our solar system, from NASA's official website. Find out its history, features, atmosphere, and more with photos and videos.

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  3. Merkury – najmniejsza i najbliższa Słońca planeta Układu Słonecznego. Jako planeta dolna znajduje się dla ziemskiego obserwatora zawsze blisko Słońca, dlatego jest trudna do obserwacji. Mimo to należy do planet widocznych gołym okiem i była znana już w starożytności. Merkurego dojrzeć można jedynie tuż przed wschodem lub tuż po zachodzie Słońca.

  4. Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System, with a highly elliptical orbit and a large iron core. Learn about its physical characteristics, orbit, rotation, surface features, history of observation, and more from this comprehensive article.

  5. Mercury is the second densest planet, after Earth. It has a large metallic core with a radius of about 1,289 miles (2,074 kilometers), about 85 percent of the planet's radius. There is evidence that it is partly molten or liquid.

  6. 11 paź 2024 · Learn about Mercury, the smallest and closest planet to the Sun, with no moons and a thin exosphere. Find out how Mercury's day and year are different from Earth's, and see images of its cratered surface.

  7. 25 kwi 2023 · Learn about the planet Mercury from NASA's website, which has facts, figures, images and links. Explore the history, missions, features and mysteries of the smallest and fastest planet in our solar system.

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