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A range of popular color filters and diffusions created by GAM, a division of Rosco
Gobos, lighting solutions, filters, and flooring for film & television, photography, theatre, display, amusement parks and other specialty applications.
Originally developed by GAM to deliver colors and diffusions not found in other popular filter ranges, GamColor is filled with unique hues, tints and other light modifiers that lighting designers, film & broadcast professionals and photographers have come to rely on.
GAM – PROJEKTOR LED _ CECHY PRODUKTU: Standardowy projektor LED. Oświetlenie akcentujące, idealne do wyposażenia sklepów, galerii, hoteli, stref biurowych, stref telekonferencyjnych. Oszczędzanie energii.
GAM Products Great American Products provides lighting, lighting gels and gobo patterns for Film, Video, Stage & Theater.
GAM Products From theatre to film and TV production, GAMPRODUCTS has created effects and projection tools since the advent of concert Rock ’n Roll performers in the mid-1970s. Products such as stainless steel gobos, portable modular projection systems, polyester color filters, and the Emmy award winning Black Wrap keep GAMPRODUCTS in the ...
GAM Lighting Filters. GamColor is filled with unique hues, tints and other light modifiers that lighting designers, film & broadcast professionals and photographers have come to rely on.
powiązane z: gam lightingFree Shipping on Orders Over $35. Shop Furniture, Home Décor, Cookware & More! Free Shipping on All Orders Over $35. Shop Furniture, Lighting, Storage & More!