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Galileo was an American robotic space probe that studied the planet Jupiter and its moons, as well as the asteroids Gaspra and Ida. Named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, it consisted of an orbiter and an entry probe. It was delivered into Earth orbit on October 18, 1989, by Space Shuttle Atlantis, during STS-34.
On July 13, 1995, Galileo's descent probe, which had been carried aboard the parent spacecraft, was released and began a five-month freefall toward Jupiter. The probe had no engine or thrusters, so its flight path was established by pointing of the Galileo orbiter before the probe was released.
The orbiter carried a small probe that became the first to sample the atmosphere of a gas planet. The probe measured temperature, pressure, chemical composition, cloud characteristics, sunlight and energy internal to the planet, and lightning.
18 paź 1989 · While its aim was to study Jupiter and its mysterious moons, which it did with much success, NASA's Galileo mission also became notable for discoveries during its journey to the gas giant. It was the first spacecraft to visit an asteroid -- two in fact, Gaspra and Ida.
NASA's Galileo spacecraft carried an atmospheric entry probe that was released July 13, 1995, when the main spacecraft was still about 50 million miles (80 million kilometers) from Jupiter. The probe hit the atmosphere Dec. 7, 1995, and returned valuable data for 58 minutes.
Galileo – amerykańska bezzałogowa sonda kosmiczna wystrzelona w 1989 roku przez agencję kosmiczną NASA w celu wykonania badań Jowisza, jego księżyców i pierścieni. W grudniu 1995 r. sonda stała się pierwszym sztucznym satelitą Jowisza oraz wprowadziła w jego atmosferę próbnik z aparaturą pomiarową.
Galileo, in space exploration, robotic U.S. spacecraft launched to Jupiter for extended orbital study of the planet, its magnetic field, and its moons. Galileo was a follow-on to the much briefer flyby visits of Pioneers 10 and 11 (1973–74) and Voyagers 1 and 2 (1979).