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  1. Most usage examples refer to the "due diligence process". But in my business it's not a formal process, but an ambiguous obligation. The usage I am familiar with is similar to the following: We need to do our due diligence to investigate this. We need to use due diligence to investigate this. We need to perform due diligence to investigate this.

  2. 28 lip 2016 · Jul 28, 2016 at 15:04. For what it's worth, as an M&A professional for a decade, "diligence" was used as a verb every single day and no one would bat an eye. If anything, not saying it would be weirder. It's arguably jargon, but it's very common parlance for directors, managers, and their advisors across corporate America.

  3. 24 kwi 2019 · Still, it is noteworthy that "do due diligence" has, since 1990 or so, grown significantly more common, even surpassing "used due diligence" as the second most common of the six expressions tracked, as of 2005. The earliest Google Books matches for "do due diligence" are again associated with a Scottish Court of Session decision.

  4. Due Diligence(DD),一般称为尽职调查,主要是指对特定公司或者个人的资产和负债情况、经营和财务状况、法律关系以及该企业或者个人所面临的机会与潜在的风险进行的一系列调查。

  5. I agree that to me "diligent" has connotations of following instructions exactly, carrying out assigned duties to the fullest, or meeting every specified requirement (see: "due diligence"). Whereas "assiduous" on the other hand doesn't have those connotations, even though it has the same meaning. And I've never even heard the word "sedulous ...

  6. 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。

  7. 尽职调查(Due Diligence)一词最初起源于英美法中的案例法,随后被编入了成文法。 按《布莱克法律词典》(BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 8TH EDITION)中“Due Diligence”一词的定义为“通常一个人在其调查过程中寻找合适的法律要求或解除义务时应该保持的合理谨慎。

  8. 29 wrz 2015 · 有的辞典将due diligence译为"克尽职责"或”尽职调查”,是因为在投资领域上,due diligence即是为投资决策而做出的一系列事前调查。[1] "Due Diligence",作为海商法中的专有名词,最早出现于美国1893年哈特法,随着中国海商法的颁布被引入中国。

  9. 2 个回答. KYC是客户在 金融机构 开户时候,金融机构工作人员向客户索取的基本信息,主要是为了合规(比如反洗钱、制裁国家名单)的需要。. DD是风险投资、 私募股权基金 在做投资前或者券商投行给客户做上市或并购之前所作的尽职调查。. 这种 尽职调查 也 ...

  10. 11 maj 2016 · Due diligence: I have Googled the word "surgery," and I have reviewed a couple of dozen past questions on this site related to the word "surgery." I have not found a satisfactory answer to the question which follows. I hail from the United States. I recently had occasion to consult the website of the British Parliament.

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