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The information contained herein comes primarily from the second and third editions of the game, although if a character exists only in the (pre-Crisis) 1st edition, and I feel that their stats can be reasonably used and be a good fit with the later (post-Crisis) editions, I may include them as well, for completeness sake.
- Mayfair DC Heroes Character Database: Batman
The information contained herein comes primarily from the...
- Mayfair DC Heroes Character Database: Full Name Index
The information contained herein comes primarily from the...
- Mayfair DC Heroes Character Database: Batman
Index to all character stats ever published in Mayfair Games rules and supplements for the DC Heroes super-hero tabletop role-playing game.
The information contained herein comes primarily from the second and third editions of the game, although if a character exists only in the (pre-Crisis) 1st edition, and I feel that their stats can be reasonably used and be a good fit with the later (post-Crisis) editions, I may include them as well, for completeness sake.
The information contained herein comes primarily from the second and third editions of the game, although if a character exists only in the (pre-Crisis) 1st edition, and I feel that their stats can be reasonably used and be a good fit with the later (post-Crisis) editions, I may include them as well, for completeness sake.
This is a repository of homemade charts and tables for the DC Heroes super-hero tabletop role-playing game. Most were made as helps for a specific gaming group, then shared. Others were assembled just to help.
Operation: Atlantis includes all new DC™ HEROES RPG game statistics for Aquaman, Mera™, Atlanteans, the Marine Maurader, Ayrn the Underlord™, the Fiddler™, and Vulcan™. Also Featured are updated rules for underwater adventures.
In which I attempt to go through my DC Comics collection (mostly running from 1983 through 1997) and hash out stats for all characters in Mayfair's DC Heroes RPG terms. How is this done? Check out the Ground Rules. New! as of 25/08/06. All entries by series/issue number, but also available is a Character Index. All series available not yet listed.