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Dash is the main mascot of PBS Kids. He is Dot 's older brother. He was 7 years old from 1999-2008, and 9-11 years old from 2008-2013, up until his redesign in 2013. After the redesign, his age is unknown (likely 16) since 2013.
Dot is the main mascot and also the co-host of PBS KIDS. She is Dash 's younger sister and, since October 7, 2013, Dee and Del 's older sister. She was the curator and host of Dot's Story Factory. Every day, she focused on some of the stories that viewers submitted.
Wonder Workshop introduced Dash and Dot in December 2014. [6] They are robots targeted at teaching creative problem-solving and computational thinking. They came with four free apps compatible with iOS and Android devices.
Dash to najprawdziwszy robot, z naładowaną baterią, gotowy do użycia po otwarciu pudełka! Porusza się, tańczy, śpiewa, mówi swoim głosem lub odgrywa dowolnie wgrany głos. Dash posiada liczne sensory, dzięki którym słyszy, reaguje na przeszkody i wykryje swojego kumpla Dota.
Morse code is a telecommunications method which encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, or dits and dahs. [3] [4] Morse code is named after Samuel Morse, one of the early developers of the system adopted for electrical telegraphy.
Dash i Dot to gotowe rozwiązanie edukacyjne dla dzieci w wieku od 5 do 12 lat. Nauka Programowania. Programując roboty Dash i Dot, uczniowie uczą się logicznego myślenia, kreatywnego podejścia do rozwiązywania problemów oraz pracy w grupie, czyli kluczowych kompetencji XXI wieku.
Dash is a small mobile robot that is full of character and drives around making noises and shining lights. Dot is its sidekick, and it, too, is full of character. The robots help kids learn the basics of robotics and coding at home or in classroom settings.