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Find the phone number, email address, and online form to reach CHEMTREC Customer Service team. CHEMTREC provides emergency response and environmental services for hazardous materials incidents.
- French
Prêt à vous inscrire auprès de CHEMTREC ou avez-vous des...
- Japanese
CHEMTREC に登録する準備はできましたか? または当社のサービスについて質問がありますか?...
- Spanish
¿Listo para registrarte en CHEMTREC o tienes preguntas sobre...
- Chinese
准备好注册 CHEMTREC 或对我们的服务有疑问吗? 1-800-262-8200 (在美国境内) +1...
- Dutch
Klaar om u te registreren bij CHEMTREC of heeft u vragen...
- Korean
CHEMTREC에 등록할 준비가 되었거나 서비스에 대해 질문이 있으십니까? 1-800-262 (미국 내)...
- Italian
Pronto per registrarti con CHEMTREC o hai domande sui nostri...
- Portuguese
Pronto para se registrar no CHEMTREC ou tem dúvidas sobre...
- French
CHEMTREC is the 24/7 call center response service that will guide you through any chemical emergency. Our Emergency Service Specialists can walk you through every step, from handling and clean up to filing paperwork.
Find the CHEMTREC phone number (1-800-424-9300) and other critical phone numbers for professionals and the general public in case of chemical emergencies. Also access online resources for chemical information, response protocols, and medical management guidelines.
24/7 Emergency Response Phone Number; Battery Test Summary Service (CRITERION) Online Hazmat Training
Find the phone numbers for various agencies and organizations that provide information and assistance on hazardous materials, transportation, and emergency response. CHEMTREC is one of the options for customers only, and the number is 1-800-424-9300.
Please find unit-specific BASF telephone and/or email contact information below.
International number: calls outside of US and Canada: +1-703-527-3887. In an emergency situation, always follow your company’s emergency response plan for notification of regulatory agencies, emergency personnel and your company’s management personnel. For assistance from Covestro, please call CHEMTREC. Bulging drums. Leaking packaging.