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Find 16159 memorial records at the Park Cemetery cemetery in Greenfield, Indiana. Add a memorial, flowers or photo.
- Cemeteries in Greenfield, Indiana
10 cemeteries in Greenfield, Indiana. Braddock-Baptist...
- Cemeteries in Greenfield, Indiana
10 cemeteries in Greenfield, Indiana. Braddock-Baptist Cemetery. Currys Chapel Cemetery. Hinchman Cemetery. Lowe Cemetery. Mount Lebanon Cemetery. Old Cemetery. Park Cemetery. Philadelphia Church Cemetery.
Park Cemetery is located on State Road 9, approximately six blocks south of downtown Greenfield. The cemetery is owned and operated by the City of Greenfield, and is governed by the Board of Works.
Park Cemetery is located on the east sde of State Road 9, Six blocks south of the court house square in Greenfield. The original tract of six acres was covered by timber when it was purchased on 28 April 1863 by the City of Greenfield for $450.
Park Cemetery, a public cemetery owned by the City of Greenfield, Indiana, is situated on State Road 9, about six blocks south of downtown Greenfield. Established in the 19th century, the 6-acre cemetery has served as the final resting place for many residents of the community.
Gravesite Information. Park Cemetery maintains a database that enables the department to manage information about gravesites within the cemetery so that they can more easily provide information to genealogists who are conducting research.
Greenfield’s Old Cemetery is located at the dead-end of south and swope streets, two blocks east of the court house. It was the city’s first cemetery and “here lie slumbering the men who cleared the forest and established the little county seat of Greenfield.