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Buoy is an AI tool that helps you diagnose your medical condition based on your symptoms and other relevant medical history. It provides possible matching conditions, suggests care options, and allows you to give feedback on its accuracy.
- Buoy Health: Check Symptoms & Find the Right Care
Check your symptoms and clarify your options for care. The...
- Symptom Checker | Chat About Symptoms | Next Generation AI - Buoy Health
Free, private, and built by doctors, Buoy checks your...
- Buoy Health: Check Symptoms & Find the Right Care
Buoy Health helps you figure out health issues and find the right care with a chatbot and clinically vetted content. You can also compare products, services, and doctors based on reviews and Top 10 lists.
Free, private, and built by doctors, Buoy checks your symptoms in combination with the latest medical information to offer you personalized information on possible causes and treatments for your illness or health problems, and proactive next steps to seek care.
16 sie 2022 · Uruchomiony przez Ministerstwo Zdrowia na stronie Teleplatformy Pierwszego Kontaktu (TPK) symptom checker pozwoli na wstępne rozpoznanie schorzenia. Aplikacja zasugeruje, jakie kroki należy podjąć, a pacjent wygeneruje raport z przeprowadzonego wywiadu.
Using Buoy Assistant, you’ll get a more personalized and more accurate view of your symptoms with recommendations for the most appropriate treatment location, such as an urgent care center, retail clinic, or primary care provider.
Compare the best free symptom checkers on the web based on diagnostic accuracy and user experience. Buoy is an AI-powered chat-based symptom checker with a diagnostic accuracy of 52%.
8 mar 2017 · Buoy is a digital health tool that uses artificial intelligence to help people identify possible conditions based on their symptoms and provide guidance on what to do next. It sources from over 18,000 clinical papers and covers 1,700 conditions, with 92 percent accuracy compared to other web-based symptom checkers.