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  1. blending,即混成法,就是将两个词混合或各取一部分紧缩而成一个新词,前半部分表属性,后半部分表主体。 news broadcast→newscast新闻广播。 television broadcast→telecast电视播送。 smoke and fog→smog烟雾。 photo and graphy→photography摄影,摄影术。

  2. 13 lis 2006 · Gazpacho is a cold soup. (Gazpacho, in case you don´t know, is a Spanish soup made,by blending certain vegetables and seasonings. It is served cold. That's what is, a cold soup.) Este gazpacho sí está frío. This gazpacho is really cold. (They served you a bowl that happens to be exeptionally cold. This is its state (estado).

  3. 22 cze 2020 · Hello everyone I was wondering what do you call a person who has two races mixed as their parents are from different races? I.e. an American mother and a German father. I am well aware that this is such a highly sensitive topic, and I have to be careful not to confuse what is meant by race with...

  4. 玩游戏时,弹出这个提示?是什么意思?怎么解决?“你的显卡不支持阿尔法混合与浮点渲染目标”说明你的显卡太老了,不支持这款游戏,不过如果关掉游戏的某些特效,有可能就可以运行游戏了。

  5. 13 maj 2022 · My understanding though is that most inflected ending in verbs as well as in nouns were gradually dropped in the 100 to 200 years before the Norman Conquest, as a result of the blending of the Anglo-Saxon and Norse languages. Many word roots were common to or similar in both languages, and it was only the endings that changed.

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