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  1. 3 wrz 2008 · Hi, I was reading information about Diane von Furstenberg in Wikipedia; the sentence goes: "I wanted to be someone of my own, and not just a plain little girl who got married beyond her deserts." She's referring to her marriage to a Prince, and I understand that she means she wouldn't have...

  2. 18 lip 2011 · "Beyond the X of Y" is a common construction - "The value of the jewels must have been beyond the ransom of princes." in has an aura of vastness and awe behind it. Its less poetic brother is, "The value of the jewels must have been beyond a prince's ransom."

  3. 人物简介 Beyond. 1983年,黄家驹与叶世荣结识,于是合组乐队;主音吉他的邓炜谦把乐队命名为Beyond;乐队由主唱兼节奏吉他手黄家驹、主音吉他手邓炜谦、贝斯手李荣潮和鼓手叶世荣;邓炜谦、李荣潮相继离开,王欧文加入担任乐队主音吉他手;黄家强加入,担任乐队的贝斯手。

  4. 18 wrz 2022 · Hello everyone, The following sentence is taken from the 2022 Postgraduate Entrance Examination in China. ..." They are absolutely altering the food chain beyond what I think even they understand what they are doing." I can't understand the part -- what I think even they understand what they...

  5. beyond达到巅峰的专辑应该是《乐与怒》,最好的现场是红磡和大马不插电,早起执拗练习,晚期不知所向,无论如何,beyond的过往,就是我们的青春,公共的记忆。每个人都有每个人对beyond的解读,对青春是什么的回忆与理解。

  6. 但是beyond其实从巅峰一直到延续,经历多年其知名度曲线几乎是平的,并没有降低多少,相反很多乐队最后都衰落了,比如香港的太极、温拿等,巅峰时知名度不比Beyond底,但是几十年下来,其知名度曲线已经拉的很低了,偶尔被人提起或被拿出来刷一下存在感。

  7. Beyond海阔天空,黄家驹词曲唱,不仅是家驹自己的心路历程和明志之作,也浓缩了乐队十年的挣扎与呐喊。 我很喜欢这个词,人海孤鸿。 家驹像极了那只离群的孤雁,除了音乐可算作他的终身伴侣之外,在心理层面,他始终是形单影只的。

  8. 3.Beyond成员(忘记是哪一个了)说:家驹去世前曾算过命,算命先生说他命短。 发布于 2018-06-17 15:30 赞同 40 8 条评论

  9. 31 paź 2024 · Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness. If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life.

  10. 9 mar 2019 · Hi, When I was young, I was terribly poor in Chinese. With the help of my teacher, I began to work harder. Out of expectation, I made great progress soon. (Quoted from an English test paper) Should “expectation” be replaced by “expectations”? Many thanks!

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