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The most outperforming pupils are put into Band 1. Later, many parents would like to classify the secondary schools by using their HKDSE performance and the admission rate to the universities. Each band is then further divided into A, B and C for the top, middle and bottom of a band respectively.
20 mar 2023 · 最新全港中學排名2024!綜合全港所有政府資助、直資及官立中學,Tutor Circle 尋補為大家搜羅2024香港排名TOP100 Band1中學及各區中學的排名。其中包括多間傳統中學名校,提供數間Band 1名校的概覽,包括曾培養出會考及DSE狀元的中學名校。
現在人人都說要「贏在起跑線」,要入好學校,自然要搬入Band 1 中學名校區。 我們根據 Schooland 的資料,得出 2020 年最新全港 Band 1A 中學的排名,連同學校所屬校網、地區和每年學費,整理出 Band 1 中學校網一覽表,即看看哪一間適合你,趁早為子女作好準備。
瀏覽不同類別或辦學團體的中學. 中學概覽 2024/2025、香港中學列表:包括官立、資助、直接資助計劃中學和私立中學。. 中學排名、中學校網、中學 Banding、升中派位。.
直資中學. 觀塘區中學排名、校網排名、觀塘區中學 Band Banding;觀塘 Band 1 中學;觀塘英文中學;觀塘區有 37 所中學。 其中 2 所是官立中學,25 所是資助中學,及 6 所是直資中學。
Schools are divided into 3 Bands; those in Band 1 are the most sought-after as the likelihood of their students securing a place in university is higher based on the HKDSE results. However the choice of school should not be solely be based on academic performance.
Want to understand the school ethos of different middle schools? The Hong Kong Tutors Association GETUTOR summarizes the rankings of the latest 100 BAND1 middle schools to help parents understand different middle schools.