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Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series created by Donald Glover. The series follows college dropout and music manager Earnest "Earn" Marks (Glover) and rapper Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles (Brian Tyree Henry) as they navigate a strange, seemingly otherworldly Atlanta hip hop scene.
- List of Atlanta episodes
Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series...
- List of Atlanta episodes
Atlanta – amerykański serial telewizyjny (komediodramat) wyprodukowany przez RBA, 343 Incorporated, MGMT. Entertainment oraz FXP, którego twórcą jest Donald Glover. Serial jest emitowany od 6 września 2016 roku przez FX. W Polsce "Atlanta" jest emitowana od 25 listopada 2016 roku przez FOX Comedy
Atlanta Wiki is a database for the hit TV series created by and starring Donald Glover, with the latest episode recaps, song lists, and much more.
Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series created by Donald Glover that centers on college dropout and music manager Earnest "Earn" Marks (Glover) and rapper Paper Boi (Brian Tyree Henry) as they navigate the Atlanta rap scene.
Atlanta is an American comedy-drama television series created by and starring Donald Glover. Set in the titular city, the series follows two cousins, Earnest "Earn" Marks (Glover), and Alfred "Paper Boi" Miles (Brian Tyree Henry), as they navigate through daily life in the southern metropolis...
Atlanta: Created by Donald Glover. With Donald Glover, Brian Tyree Henry, LaKeith Stanfield, Zazie Beetz. Earn and his cousin, Alfred, try to make their way in the world through Atlanta's rap scene.
The first season of the American television series Atlanta premiered on September 6, 2016. The season is produced by RBA, 343 Incorporated, MGMT. Entertainment, and FXP, with Donald Glover, Paul Simms, and Dianne McGunigle, serving as executive producers.