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23 wrz 2005 · Questions about Arabic, or translations between Arabic and any other language.
8 lip 2007 · Hello all ! Watched West Side Story again last night and it stroke me that one of the Jets is called/nicknamed A-rab. Actually, I don't think it stands for Arab, but it reminds me this novel I recently read (the one set in the end of the 50s about which I asked a few questions here !) whose...
19 gru 2008 · hala! I have heard people say this when they want you to do something for them but I suspect it may have more than one meaning; fidwa and also fidwa ru7 lak (?) (They shout it out loud at the top of their voices(:))
29 paź 2010 · Hi Well considering i've been referred to by this name the last two months by two guys, who call everyone and everything Manyuuk or la-manyuuk/ya-manyuuk, they tell me it's Arabic, but not what it means (sometimes they say it means "come, come here" but they've used it as many other references...
31 gru 2006 · How would I write an address, in Arabic, on a letter going to an Arab country. For example I have a friend who lives in Egypt? I know the person's name (Mr. A.H.) and the area he lives (Dokki), his apartment address (72 X St floor 13 Apartment 9), the city he lives in Giza, which is in Giza Governate and the postal code (12311).
14 lut 2020 · A word I heard in the series Jinn on Netflix. Sounds something like nakmanyak, no idea how it's spelt in Arabic. The translation says "asshole". Context and timestamp: E1 @ 16:13 ميرا: طارق، تتأسف! طارق: ايش، ايش اتأسف ميرا: عشان ؟؟؟
10 mar 2006 · For example, in some Arabic “circles”, it has been suggested that SHAKESPEARE was really an Arab named SHEIKH ZUBAIR. This was taken seriously enough by some delusional student to the point that, I believe, he wrote his PhD dissertation to this effect. (The amazing thing here is that his dissertation was accepted by his “committee”!!
20 cze 2023 · It could have been appropriated from the pre-Islamic Arab religion, which seems to have acknowledged Allah as the high god, or it could have been introduced by the Prophet as a rebuke to the venerators of the lesser deities. In the absence of evidence for the former, I would lean towards the latter.
31 lip 2013 · Hello I'm interested to know what word is used in different dialects for "roundabout" (or "traffic circle", that is, the "road junction in which traffic streams circulate around a central island"). In Lebanon we use مستديرة or دوّار. Thanks
30 sie 2006 · Does anyone have any ideas for better and/or more accurate translations? I'm not sure if it makes a difference or not, but this is in the context of people speaking Syrian Arabic. (Although as far as I know the same phrases are used throughout the Arab world - I could be wrong there, though.) Any help would be much appreciated.